White Line Fever podcast ft Paddy Gower

Triumph & Disaster is sponsoring the White Line Fever podcast, featuring T&D founder Dion Nash & sports management legend Mick Watson.

This episode features one of New Zealand's favourite journalists, Patrick Gower as the team discuss some of Paddy's career, namely his time working in Parliament as a political journalist, his interview with controversial alt-right figures Lauren Southern & Stefan Molyneux, the tragic Christchurch Mosque Attack and legalised cannabis. Listen below or on I Heart Radio.



White line fever was a common catch cry in professional sport during the 90's. To have ‘white line fever’ was a term given to those who were considered nice guys off the park, but some kind of wild animal on it. That perception of having the ability to switch personality and become the ultra-competitive, super focused beast was the genesis of this podcast. A conversation between two mates, what makes people tick, what gives people this ability to switch on and focus when it matters, and what makes them special, often hilarious characters away from their professional arenas. This is white line fever the podcast, two old has-beens talking to people they admire for having 'white line fever'


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