Nat Cheshire meets with Triumph & Disaster

Nat Cheshire will be embarrassed to read this, but he is one of Auckland’s ‘hot young things’, one of the city’s ‘movers and shakers’, if you will. But more importantly, Nat is also a man familiar with the concepts of success, failure, hard work and overcoming fear. We proudly present Nat, as the second in our ‘Masters of Triumph & Disaster’ series. We hope you will enjoy what he had to say, it’s kind of important.

At 35, Nat is a man of action, Britomart, City Works Depot and the soon to be Hobsonville Point all have Nat’s hand indelibly etched across them.

Nat Cheshire is a central figure amongst those kindred spirits who are collectively leading an architectural and design revolution in downtown Auckland. In so doing saving those who walk Auckland’s bustling streets, from a grey, concrete slab, greed driven, property developer imposed hell, fit only for a George Orwell novel.

We took a drive out west with Nat in his 67 ford mustang, fast back, we talked about cars, grasping opportunity with both hands, lack of sleep, motivation, fear of failure and of course a bit about triumph and disaster. Conclusion; we need more like Nat.


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