Winter Skin

For those of us that have been hunkering down in the southern hemisphere, Spring, that time when nature throws off its wintery slumber and awakens, is just around the corner . It’s a time of rebirth and regeneration and that includes for us. 

Your face and skin take a battering over the colder months. Frigid temperatures, cold winds and waves of artificial heat are the perfect conditions for creating dry, ravaged skin, matched with dull hair and sore eyes that can make you feel like you haven’t slept for a week. Cold winter weather reduces body temperature and we produce less natural skin oil, while dry winter air and artificial heat sources wick away what moisture is left on our skin. Its a nature double play for the unprepared as cold temperatures outside take their toll and artificial heat inside adds to the misery.  In short your skin is more likely to dry out during a winter of discontent. 

It might be cold in the morning but resist the urge to stand for ages under a hot shower. Hot steaming shower strip the skin of natural oils that naturally protect our skin from the elements. Moisturise your face once you have finished in the shower to replace any loss of oil and hydration. Moisturise your face at least once, if not twice a day, especially if you are working outside or in air conditioned or artificially heated environments. And drink lots of water, stay well hydrated internally, luke warm water is best as it is most easily absorbed by the body.

Infused with key ingredients that provide the essential hydration and nourishment your skin needs to overcome natures challenges - Gameface moisturiser is the solution. Gameface uses unique ingredients derived from nature and engineered with science, to provide your skin the protection to kick these winter months.

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